Escolhendo o quantificador ideal

Para responder as perguntas How much? e How many? determinados quantificadores podem ser utilizados junto a substantivos contáveis (amigos, pessoas); outros, com substantivos incontáveis (açúcar, chá, dinheiro); e alguns podem ser empregados com qualquer tipo de substantivo.

Teste seu conhecimento
Apenas com substantivos incontáveis Com qualquer substantivo Apenas com substantivos contáveis
a little no, none, not any a few
a bit of some a number of
  any several
a great deal of a lot of, lots of a great number of
a large amount of plenty of a large number of
  • Would you like some tea and a few cookies?
  • I always put a little milk and some carrots in my soup.
  • He has several apples. I don't have any fruit at all.
  • She has plenty of clothes for the winter.
  • I recieved a large amount of feedback from my survey.
Uso de "Much" e "Many"

Muchmany  são principalmente utilizados em frases interrogativas e negativas. Eles também podem ser utilizados em frases afirmativas e negativas quando combinados com too so. Nota: a palavra many pode ser utilizada individualmente em frases afirmativas, mas o termo much não pode. Much deve ser substituído nas frases afirmativas pelo termo a lot of ou lots of (tais expressões também podem substituir o termo many).

Substantivos incontáveis Substantivos contáveis
How much sugar do you have? How many people came to the concert?
There's not much sugar at the store. Not many people came to the concert.
I have too much sugar at home. There were too many people at the concert.
I don't know what to do with so much sugar. It's a problem when there are so many people.
I wish there was not so much sugar here. There were not so many people last year.
There is a lot of sugar in candy. There are many people who want to come. = There are a lot of people who want to come.
Teste seu conhecimento